Simple 2D platformer with rewind mechanic

Created by CMDParodies + Driftss : First game jam ever, new to Game Dev any suggestions and comments will be well received

Made in Under 24 hours (Hobbiest game devs)

Controls (keyboard only): 

Move: ad / left right arrow keys 

jump: space

rewind: enter/return

pause/menu: escape

Game mechanics:

-boxes which can be rewinded (5 seconds of history)

-waterfalls which when rewinded lift the player up

-double jump


Only one level, reach the end and it will bring you back to the main menu

Assets used:

little fighter 2: sprites + SFX

waterfall tiles: CMDParodies



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Player Feedback is something that your game definitely needs
When the player collides with the waterfall, then try playing a sound to let the player know that he has collided with the waterfall